After check-out, we will send you a pdf copy of your personalized gift certificate with your requested gift message. You can print at home and gift in your own way to the lucky recipient.
Add-On to any of our "gift-packages" 1, 3, or 6 month and we'll update the certificate to match your purchase.
Important Notice: Fraudulent Activity Alert
Someone is attempting to use our business name for fraudulent activities.
We are actively investigating this issue with our bank to track down and stop these unauthorized charges.
Please take the following steps immediately:
Verify the Charge: Use this secure link provided by our payment processor, Stripe, to check the legitimacy of the charge: Stripe Charge Lookup Tool
Contact Your Bank: Report the unauthorized charge to your financial institution to secure your card and dispute the transaction.
Report the Fraud to Us: Fill out our Google form to provide details about the fraudulent charge. Please do not share passwords or other sensitive information: Fraud Report Form
Never provide personal passwords, account details, or sensitive information when reporting fraud